

Easy plans. Cancel anytime.

All plans include a 14 day free trial



  • Processing/rendering of aggregate reports
  • Processing/rendering of forensic reports
  • Forensic report encryption
  • Automatic subdomain detection
  • Monitoring up to 2 domains
  • 100,000 DMARC compliant messages per month
  • Email vendor identification
  • IP reputation monitoring
  • Aggregate GeoMaps
  • BIMI
  • 2 months of data history
  • 1 user
  • 1 domain group
  • DMARC/SPF/DKIM checker
  • Reports & alerts
  • DNS timeline
  • Enforceable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Email support



  • Processing/rendering of aggregate reports
  • Processing/rendering of forensic reports
  • Forensic report encryption
  • Automatic subdomain detection
  • Monitoring up to 8 domains
  • 1 Safe SPF domain
  • 250,000 DMARC compliant messages per month
  • Email vendor identification
  • IP reputation monitoring
  • Aggregate GeoMaps
  • Safe SPF
  • BIMI
  • 4 months of data history
  • 3 users
  • 3 domain groups
  • DMARC/SPF/DKIM checker
  • Reports & alerts
  • DNS timeline
  • Enforceable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Live chat support



  • Processing/rendering of aggregate reports
  • Processing/rendering of forensic reports
  • Forensic report encryption
  • Automatic subdomain detection
  • Monitoring up to 15 domains
  • 2 Safe SPF domains
  • 1,000,000 DMARC compliant messages per month
  • Email vendor identification
  • IP reputation monitoring
  • Aggregate GeoMaps
  • Safe SPF
  • Domain blacklist monitoring
  • BIMI
  • Adaptive blacklist monitoring
  • 6 months of data history
  • 5 users
  • 5 domain groups
  • DMARC/SPF/DKIM checker
  • Reports & alerts
  • DNS timeline
  • Enforceable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Live chat support



  • Processing/rendering of aggregate reports
  • Processing/rendering of forensic reports
  • Forensic report encryption
  • Automatic subdomain detection
  • Monitoring up to 200 domains
  • 4 Safe SPF domains
  • 5,000,000 DMARC compliant messages per month

    More traffic?
  • Email vendor identification
  • IP reputation monitoring
  • Aggregate GeoMaps
  • Safe SPF
  • Domain blacklist monitoring
  • BIMI
  • Adaptive blacklist monitoring
  • 1 year of data history
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited domain groups
  • DMARC/SPF/DKIM checker
  • Reports & alerts
  • DNS timeline
  • User access control
  • API
  • Enforceable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Enforceable Single Sign-On (SSO) with SAML-based IdPs including Azure AD/Google/Okta
  • Live chat support

Trusted by

From Fortune 500 companies to high-growth SMBs.

Frequently asked questions.

Contact support if you have further questions

Why is DMARC important?

Email is easy to spoof and users can’t tell a real message from a fake one. Trust is compromised when a brand's domain is spoofed. DMARC addresses these issues, helping email senders and receivers work together to better secure emails, protecting users and brands from painfully costly abuse.

How does DMARC combat phishing?

DMARC is a way to make it easier for email senders and receivers to determine whether or not a given message is legitimately from the sender, and what to do if it isn’t. This makes it easier to identify spam and phishing messages, and keep them out of peoples’ inboxes.

How does DMARCLY work?

First, DMARCLY will provide you with a DMARC record. Then you set up your domain DNS with the record. After that, data will drip in gradually. The data will be rendered as pretty charts in the DMARCLY dashboard to give you insights which you can take action on. After you reach p=reject status, maintain active monitoring to make sure everything is fine.

What should end users do to make DMARC work?

End users (email recipients) don’t have to do anything for DMARC to work. Once domain owners (brands) set up DNS settings with DMARCLY, DMARC starts collecting feedback data. This process is completely transparent to end users.

Will DMARC let me bypass a receiver's spam filters?

DMARC specifies a way to be confident whether a given message really came from the source it claims to have come from. It doesn't say anything per se about whether or not that source is trustworthy. So, in general you should expect that messages will still be scanned by a spam filter, and subject to rate limits, etc.

What if my monthly email volume exceeds my plan quota?

In that case, you will be temporarily bumped up to the next plan that covers your actual email volume.

For example, if you are subscribed to Professional and your actual volume is 220K a month, you will be charged 39.99 USD (Growth, 250K emails per month).

But if your email volume drops below 100K next month, you will be charged 17.99 USD again.

What if my monthly email volume exceeds 5M?

If it goes over that, we charge $8/M emails for the over-quota volume. For example, if a company's monthly volume is 8M emails, the over-quota volume is 8M-5M=3M emails, therefore we charge an additional $8/M * 3M = $24 for that.

What if my number of DMARC domains exceeds the plan quota?

If it goes over that, we charge $0.5 per DMARC domain beyond the plan quota. For example, if you are on Enterprise, and you monitor DMARC on 300 domains, the number of DMARC domains beyond the plan quota is 300 - 200 = 100, therefore we charge an additional $0.5 * 100 = $50 for that.

What if my number of Safe SPF domains exceeds the plan quota?

If it goes over that, we charge $10 per Safe SPF domain beyond the plan quota. For example, if you are on Enterprise, and you've activated Safe SPF on 10 domains, the number of Safe SPF domains beyond the plan quota is 10 - 4 = 6, therefore we charge an additional $10 * 6 = $60 for that.

What is a user mentioned in the pricing table?

A user is an administrator who can log in to DMARCLY and use the service.

It's not a mailbox user within your email infrastructure.

Where is the data stored?

If you sign up at:, the data will be stored in Fremont CA, USA.

If you sign up at:, the data will be stored in Frankfurt, Germany.

Acceptable payment methods?

We accept major credit cards worldwide, including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. For a complete list of supported card brands, see: supported card brands.

For U.S. customers, we accept check and ACH, additionally.

For EU customers (including the U.K.), we accept ACH and SEPA, additionally.

How to cancel a plan?

Simply drop a line in the chatbox to let us know. We will process it soon.

Try DMARCLY now and start protecting your email.