Bij het analyseren van e-mailheaders voor niet-geverifieerde e-mails in mailboxserviceproviders zoals Gmail, kunt u van tijd tot tijd foutmeldingen tegenkomen die er als volgt uitzien:
Received-SPF: softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning account@domain…
This article aims to provide a complete guide to implementing SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your organization, and suggest the best practices for doing so. It is written in hopes that this will clear up confusion about what steps to take to achieve an effective DMARC deployment to secure business email a…

It's critically important for any company using Office 365 Exchange Server for email to implement DMARC, DKIM, and SPF to prevent or stop email spoofing and phishing as well as improve email deliverability.
Office 365 has become the de facto standard for productivity software…

Follow the steps below to set up SPF and DKIM for Mailchimp, so that your marketing emails are more likely to reach the inbox. This is a process also known as email domain authentication.
How to set up SPF and DKIM for Mailchimp:
Verify your domain
Mailchimp requires you to verify that you o…

We zullen in dit artikel bespreken hoe SPF werkt met subdomeinen.
Hoe SPF-beleidsdetectie werktZoals besproken in de How DMARC Works With Subdomains post, hoeven niet alle subdomeinen een DMARC-record te publiceren, als het organisatiedomein er al een heeft …

When you first set up Mandrillapp (AKA Mailchimp Transactional Email) to send transactional emails, you may find there is a "via mandrillapp.com" warning for the email in the recipient's mailbox.
This warning means you haven't authorized Mandrill to deliver emails for you, so the mailbox provider…