How to Add DKIM Record in GoDaddy: GoDaddy DKIM Setup Guide

DKIM DKIM Record GoDaddy

This post provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a DKIM record in GoDaddy.

About DKIM records

First of all, a DKIM record is a TXT or CNAME record published in the DNS on your domain, under _(selector), where “” is your actual domain or subdomain. When a new email message comes in, the receiving email server looks up the DKIM record for the public key and uses it to verify the authenticity of the message.

For more information, refer to the DKIM spec.

Generate your DKIM record

Before moving on, make sure you have generated your DKIM record.

Learn how to generate a DKIM record here.

Publish the DKIM record in GoDaddy

Now the record is ready, follow the steps below to publish it!

1. Log in to GoDaddy

Navigate to, enter your credentials to log in to its dashboard.

2. Locate your domain

Under GoDaddy's "My Products", find your domain you want to add the DKIM record to, then click the DNS button, like this:

3. Create the record entry

Now you are on the DNS Management page, click the Add button in the Records section. Now you will see a form where you can enter the settings for your DKIM record, as shown below:

Make sure the record type is CNAME, Host is set to s1._domainkey where s1 is the DKIM selector, and Points to is set to the CNAME record generated above. Click the Save button. Now you have added the record!

If the type of your DKIM record is TXT, enter the settings like this:

4. Check the published DKIM record

If you want to check the published DKIM record, you can use our free DKIM record checker. Note that the change you made in the last step might take some time to propagate in the DNS, therefore, if you can't find the record, give it up to 1 hour then retry.

That's how you add a DKIM record in GoDaddy.

To learn more about DKIM selectors, refer to: DKIM Selectors Explained.

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